Honey & Heritage: The SimplKomb Story

Comb Honey can be Simpl.
SimplKomb is an in-hive comb honey production and harvest solution that then becomes your end consumer package, and your bees do all the work for you.
Removing the labor and sticky mess from the equation, SimplKomb leaves beekeepers with a packaged product, untouched by human hands, and ready for sale.
Our Competitive Advantage.
Price Point.
SimplKomb gives beekeepers a chance to reap the rewards of this high-value harvest with little economic investment. Retailing at just $1.00 per package, we beat our competitors’ retail cost by an average of $3.35 per package.
Parts Management.
SimplKomb is a recycled plastic cassette comprised of four packages with integrated lids. Compatible with standard, medium Langstroth frames that a majority of keepers utilize means there are no other parts or pieces necessary.
Package Size.
The SimplKomb solution generates double the sellable product units than other comb honey systems and provides keepers with a unique, smaller size offering, providing an opportunity to expand their consumer market.

No Other Parts or Pieces Necessary.
SimplKomb is a post-consumer recycled, food-grade, plastic cassette comprised of four packages with integrated lids. Compatible with standard medium Langstroth frames the majority of beekeepers currently use.

A Simplified Production Approach.
Simply fold the lids behind the cups to snap firmly. Insert two cassettes into either side of your frame. Apply a layer of beeswax and you are ready for the hive. Sit back and allow your bees to work their magic!

Without the Labor & the Sticky Mess.
In addition to reducing harvest labor, placing the packaging right in the hive minimizes contact with human hands, tools, and surfaces during harvest. Simply remove the cassette, fold the lids shut, and separate into the individual packages.
Less hassle. More sales. Simpl.